Discovering Apulia

Barletta is remembered in the history books for the challenge, “la Disfida”, on 13 February 1503; it was a mounted tourney between 13 Italians, led by Ettore Fieramosca and 13 French knights led by Guy La Motte.

The Italian knights won the battle and every year the victory was celebrated in Barletta with folkcloristic event, about the 10th September.

Walking in the old town centre you will feel like getting back in time

These are the main monuments and historical heritage cites to visit:

  • Pinacoteca De Nittis in the stunning Baroque building Palazzo Della Marra
  • The Medieval Castle, which includes the Municipal Library, the Civic Museum, the Puppet Museum, and an Archaeological Museum
  • “Cantine della Disfida”, which was launched in place of the glove challenge between 13 Italians and 13 French knights
  • The Curci Theatre, an architectural gem, built on the model of the San Carlo in Naples
  • Battle of Cannae, an archaeological site famous for the battle between the Romans and the Carthaginians in 216 BC, during the Second Punic War, where the Romans were severely defeated by the troops being led by Hannibal
  • The Romanesque-Gothic Cathedral, the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher, the 2 oldest church in Barletta, St. James and St. Andrew, the churches of the Greeks
  • Than we have to mentioned the symbol of our city, Heraclius the Giant, also know as the Colossus due to its height, 420 mt. Legend tells that he was found on the shore and he represents the emperor Teodosio II.

Much more to visit…

Barletta there are incomparable sandy beaches where you can relaxing or playing thanks to the many water sports and diving.

Just a few miles from the famous tourist destinations you can find: Trani, Castle del Monte, the Thermal Baths of Margherita di Savoia, Bisceglie, the amusement park of Miragica and the Outlet Fashion District of Molfetta. While an hour away, you can reach Sassi of Mater, Trulli of Alberobello, Grotte di Castellana and Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo.